University of Colombo School of Computing
Welcome to the Virtual Learning Environment for the UCSC Students 2023/2024
UCSC සිසුන් සඳහා වූ අතථ්ය ඉගෙනුම් පරිස්ථිතියට ඔබව සාදරයෙන් පිළිගනිමු!
UCSC மாணவர்களை LMS ற்கு வரவேற்கிறோம்
Scholarly Materials
Undergraduate Handbook 2023 Academic Calendar - 2022/ 23 Undergraduate Lecture Time Table - 1st Semester 2023 Undergraduate Lecture Time Table - 2nd Semester 2023 Final Examination Timetable – Semester 1 – AY20
Course Details, By-Laws, Handbooks and course-related information
CS Courses IS Courses FoS Courses By-Laws UG-Handbooks
Registration Form and the Guideline for Enhancement Courses [Sports]
Guidelines Registration Form
Site announcements
Re-scrutinization of marking – Undergraduate Examinations - S2 - AY20 [2024]
by Admin User -Results of the below-mentioned courses have been published in the results section of the UGVLE [https://ucsc.cmb.ac.lk/exam_results/ ].
Please log in to the above link using your Index No. & NIC No. and check the results.
SCS 1208, SCS 1209, SCS 1210, SCS 1211, SCS 1212, SCS 1213, SCS 1214
ENH 2201
SCS 4211, SCS 4213, SCS 4214, SCS 4215, SCS 4217, SCS 4218, SCS 4219, SCS 4221, SCS 4223, SCS 4224, SCS 4225, SCS 4226
IS 1109, IS 1110, IS 1111, IS 1112, IS 1113, IS 1114
EN 2102
IS 4101, IS 4104, IS 4111, IS 4112, IS 4113, IS 4114, IS 4115, IS 4116, IS 4117, IS 4118, IS 4119
Students who wish to reconsider their marks and grades of the course can use the relevant link below and apply for re-scrutinization.
CS: https://forms.gle/Dffcc8qYtZSoFE6b8
IS: https://forms.gle/ikBCpmBZTWksVmot5
Deadline to submit an application for re-scrutinization (For the above mentioned courses only) is 06.08.2024 (Before 6:00 p.m.).
1. Students are advised to read the policy guidelines of the re-scrutinization of marks and grades (included in the form) before applying for re-scrutinization.
2. Requests for re-scrutinization of the marks & grades of above mentioned courses WILL NOT be entertained after the deadline given.
Senior Assistant Registrar
Examinations and Registration Division
Final GPA Calculation - AY 2018/ 2019 [4 Year Honours Degree]
by Admin User -Students of the 4 year honours degree programmes [AY 2018/2019] are required to complete all academic credits in the first two years, a minimum of 18 Academic Credits in the third academic year and a minimum of 30 Academic Credits in the fourth academic year as partial fulfilment of criteria to award the four year Degree.
Students who have sat for more than 18 credits in the third academic year & 30 credits in the fourth academic year are required to select the list of optional courses for computing their final GPA.
Therefore, please submit the Google Forms below on or before 06.08.2024 [6.00 p.m] and select the optional courses that you wish to consider for your final GPA calculation.
You are advised to access this Google Forms using only the UCSC email address given.
Select optional courses of the 3rd year for GPA calculation;
Select optional courses of the 4th year for GPA calculation;
Grades of all the optional courses selected by the student for the 3rd / 4th year will be included in the academic transcript irrespective of whether those courses were considered for the final GPA calculation.
If a student failed to submit the Google Forms by the deadline, the UCSC will select the optional courses from his/ her enrolled 3rd/ 4th year courses and calculate the final GPA. Such selection will not be reversed under any circumstances.
Senior Assistant Registrar
Examinations and Registration Division
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